Worst winter ever?

Well, if you were living anywhere in the eastern half of North America it was certainly up there.

It doesn’t matter if you define worst as coldest, longest, snowiest, or all of the above.

New York, Toronto, Chicago, Boston, Halifax, Atlanta  even points north used to cold like the Canadian prairies, the Dakotas and Minnesota felt the relentless grip of winter.  Reminds us of the Paul Bunyan legend and the year of two winters.   On and on and on it went.

The good news is…we survived.

The even better news is, there is a lot to look forward to!!

We hope you’re enjoying Organimi and find it useful to manage your org charts and people information.

We are part of a great community of over 25,000 members now who have created thousands of Org Charts and we’re happy you’ve all found us, and decided to check us out!

Today we’re excited to announce our Spring 2014 Release, and we’re also launching our new website.

The newest version of Organimi includes a number of features and enhancements, many of which have come from user feedback.  They include the following:

– Share Your Org Charts, Easily, On Line: Share your awesome org charts with the world or just a few individuals.  Now for the first time ever with innovation from Organimi you can share using email, i-frames and popular social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and Twitter.

– Personalize Your User Profiles: Let everyone create and share information about their work and career goals with each other, and get better insights into what everyone on the team is working on – all in one convenient location.

– Slick User Interface: We’ve made the user experience for both users and administrators even easier and more intuitive,  Easily create roles based structures.  Upload your rosters in minutes.  Drag and drop people to roles.  Make changes on the fly.  Give us feedback and help us make your user experience even better.

– Search in Photoboards: Now you not only have access to an always accurate photoboard, showing everyone on the team, you can easily find the right person quickly and effortlessly with our new photoboard search tools.

Check out all the new features today!

I know spring must finally be here because I got my bike out and rode it to work.


Get out and enjoy this spring!  Let’s hope for a long, beautiful summer.

And check out the new look at Organimi.  

New website.  New org chart layouts,  New tools….

and lots of exciting plans on the drawing board for the next release.

All free.  Join us.

As always, thanks for reading.


The Organimi Team