Org charts are important. You probably know that you should have an org chart on hand to help improve communication and provide employees with insight into the structure of your company. But keeping an Org Chart saved and passed around as a PDF document isn’t enough. It isn’t going to have the reach that it needs to have to make a real impact on your company.

Organimi solves this issue. When you create an org chart with Organimi, you are given a publishing link that you can use to share a web-version of the org chart with anyone in your organization. You can still export the org chart and share it through traditional methods, or use our built-in sharing features to share the web version of the org chart through email and other channels.

Having a web version of your org chart ensures that anyone within your company can access it at all times and share it with new members of your team. There are many benefits that having a web-version of your org chart can provide to any company, including:

Easily Share Information With New Employees

org chart online

The onboarding process for new employees can be long and arduous. There are a lot of boxes that need to be checked to ensure that they have all of the information that they need to begin settling into your company.

One of the most important pieces of this puzzle is helping new employees to familiarize themselves with the structure of your company and find ways to contact the people they need to get in touch with internally. Understanding who to go to with questions and concerns is a huge part of familiarizing yourself with a new company, and an org chart allows new hires to have a top-down view of their organization.

Share In Multiple Formats

Our software allows you to share your org chart in multiple formats so that you can share it in the way that makes the most sense for your company. Using our “Export” feature, you can export the org chart in multiple visual formats including:

  • CSV
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • PPT

This ensures that your org chart is easily embeddable within presentations and other documents that you share with those in or outside of your company. Additionally, using our “Embed” feature, you can embed your org chart into any web page of your choosing. This means that you could have your org chart directly available on your company intranet. The “Embed” feature allows you to use an iFrame to embed the entire chart directly on the page.

But you don’t have to export anything to use Organimi. From the moment that you create your chart, you’ll have the ability to generate a sharing link that links directly to an online version of the org chart. You can share this with anyone in your organization, and it automatically updates as you make changes to the org chart within the Organimi system.

Easily Collaborate to Keep it Up to Date

org chart online

One of the issues that many companies run into when they create org charts is the fact that once it is finished and published, it quickly becomes out of date. In large organizations with lots of turnover or internal movement between positions, an org chart from just a few weeks previous can be so out of date that it is no longer useful to your team.

Organimi fixes this by allowing companies to share an online version of their org chart that automatically updates as changes are made. You’ll never need to distribute a new version of the org chart again or make sure that your internal file sharing systems are updated with the newest version. Having an updated org chart online puts you in a position to feel confident that your teams always have access to the most up-to-date version of your organization chart and cuts down on the work that you have to do to keep it updated.

Additionally, Organimi allows for collaboration with others inside of your organization. In many companies, a single person is responsible for maintaining and distributing the org chart. This can cut into their other job duties and often takes more time than most would think. Because Organimi allows for multiple contributors on the same org chart, you can spread the work out over several HR professionals to ensure that it stays updated, without wasting too much of a single person’s time.

Improve Interdepartmental Communication

Having an org chart is a good first step, but if it can’t be easily accessed it isn’t doing your company much good. According to a recent study, connectedness within organizations improves productivity 20%-25%. Organimi’s ability to publish your org chart online ensures that your employees can access it whenever they need it and have confidence that they are using the most recent version.

Org charts are particularly useful for interdepartmental communication. In large companies, those working in separate departments may not see much of each other or have many reasons to communicate. When those needs to arise, finding the right person to speak with often requires some back-and-forth, which kills productivity. In fact, 26% of employees think that email is a major productivity killer. Using an online org chart to identify the right person to connect with will save time and facilitate a more connected employee-base.

Sharing Your Org Chart Online Maximizes Its Value

Every organization needs an org chart to spell out company structure and give employees an easy way to identify the right parties to reach out to when solving issues. However, companies often fall behind on updating their org chart.

Even if you share it on a company file sharing server or company intranet, you still have to update the org chart and upload a new version every time there is a change. This often leads to the publicly available org chart being hopelessly out of date, requiring HR teams to go back and update them with months of new information. It’s a cycle that many companies have issues climbing out of. An online org chart that stays updated as you update it within Organimi is the perfect solution to this problem.