Organimi Simplifies Staff Organization at Liberal Arts College

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Nashville, USA

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Organimi gives me a greater sense of being organized.

Steve Sexton

Director of Human Resources, Trevecca Nazarene University

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Trevecca Nazarene University needed a modern solution that could streamline organizational management and enhance transparency.

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Relying on Visio for charting, the university grappled with time-consuming processes and limited accessibility, hindering effective communication and collaboration across departments.

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Now with Organimi, colleagues can effortlessly locate information and communicate changes as needed, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

How Organimi Elevated Organizational Planning at Trevecca Nazarene University

Company Highlights

  • Since 1901, Trevecca Nazarene University has been home to thousands of students and has led the way in higher education.
  • Trevecca has a 90+ acre campus in an urban neighborhood environment, located 1.7 miles southeast of downtown Nashville.
  • The university is organized into six schools: the School of Arts and Sciences, the Skinner School of Business and Technology, Education, the Millard Reed School of Theology and Christian Ministry, the School of Music and Worship Arts, and the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies.

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With accreditation and esteemed faculty, Trevecca has helped develop the minds of students from all over the world for more than 120 years. Located in the heart of Nashville, Trevecca’s faculty and staff are focused on preparing students for lives of leadership and service. Trevecca is committed to holistic education, encouraging students to grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Business Challenge

Prior to implementing Organimi, Trevecca Nazarene University faced significant challenges in managing its organizational structure. Relying on Visio for charting, the university grappled with time-consuming processes and limited accessibility, hindering effective communication and collaboration across departments.

It’s relatively easy to use and make updates once you’re in there.

Steve Sexton

Director of Human Resources, Trevecca Nazarene University


In response to these challenges, Steve Sexton, Director of Human Resources at Trevecca Nazarene University, sought a modern solution that could streamline organizational management and enhance transparency. Discovering Organimi through a Google search, the university was drawn to its cloud-based platform, offering accessibility without the need for constant file updates.

Positive reviews and budget considerations solidified Organimi as the preferred choice. The 14-day free trial allowed Steve to explore its robust features and experience its user-friendly interface firsthand. This trial period provided the reassurance Steve needed to confidently implement Organimi as the university’s org chart solution, knowing it would meet their needs and exceed expectations.The onboarding process was seamless, with a simple CSV file import generating the company org chart in minutes. Organimi’s intuitive interface and extensive customer support ensured a smooth transition for the university’s HR department.


Since implementing Organimi, Trevecca Nazarene University has experienced a transformative shift in organizational efficiency. With Organimi’s intuitive platform, the university has seamlessly streamlined its organizational planning efforts, identifying necessary adjustments with newfound clarity. Gone are the days of cumbersome file updates and inaccessible charts—Organimi’s cloud-based solution has ushered in a new era of accessibility and transparency.

Now, colleagues can effortlessly locate information and communicate changes as needed, fostering a culture of collaboration and efficiency. The ability to print sections of charts has become a valuable tool in meetings, empowering decision-makers with visually impactful presentations. Director of Human Resources, Steve Sexton, attests to Organimi’s positive impact, citing its user-friendly interface and robust functionalities as game-changers for the university.

As Trevecca Nazarene University continues to utilize Organimi, the future holds promising opportunities for enhanced communication, collaboration, and organizational effectiveness across the institution. Trevecca Nazarene University has embarked on a journey towards a more streamlined and transparent organizational structure, poised to meet the evolving needs of its academic community.

Organimi’s been a great, intuitive tool for us.

Steve Sexton

Director of Human Resources, Trevecca Nazarene University

Curious to see how Organimi can help improve efficiencies in your org?
Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help!

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