Customer Testimonials

Congratulations on creating a simple, easy-to-use tool for collaboratively creating and managing org charts. My team and I are really enjoying it so far and I hope we will continue to see the value as we continue to build out our org.



I usually make organization charts in generic charting programs, but I always found this tedious. I gave Organimi a try on a whim and it blew me away. It is much faster than using other programs and since it is specialized it can automatically do things I would have to do manually in other programs.

Carla Wallace

Our partners are able to visually see who’s who and what roles they play while allowing us to update new roles and information in just a couple of clicks. Most importantly, partners can easily connect with one another directly.

Jennifer King

SVP, Social Venture Partners

Of all of the online org chart tools I tested, Organimi was the best for fit for our needs. Importing our org structure from a CSV with >100 employees was relatively simple. The team at Organimi have been very responsive.

Ross Veitch

CEO & Co-Founder, Wego

I’ve been using Organimi for almost a year and I love it!

Kristina W

C4 Therapeutics

I was looking online for a tool that would be fast, flexible, and would facilitate sharing and dynamic input from others. I undertook a Google search and must have quickly reviewed about 5 products. Organimi was the most accessible, intuitive, flexible, and cost effective. It has allowed me to present relationships in very organic/flexible ways, which is helpful when discussing changes that may be sensitive and take some time to work through.

Mike Taylor

Meningitis Research Foundation

I am really loving Organimi – keep up the good work!

Chelsea P

Meteor Education

I love this program… it’s awesome. Been looking for a good organizational chart template for months.

Karen K


Organimi has been a valuable tool for us in sharing our organizational structure with employees and customers, and the ability to add photos (and thereby emphasize our people) had put it over the top.


BMC Networks

Of all of the online org chart tools I tested, Organimi was the best for fit for our needs. Importing our org structure from a CSV with >100 employees was relatively simple. The team at Organimi have been very responsive.

Ross Veitch

CEO & Co-Founder at Wego

I really like your product, i was looking for this exact thing!


Safe Breach

Organimi takes a task traditionally performed by putting a name in a box to a management tool moving from outdated org charts to an interactive tool that staff can use to connect, communicate and collaborate.

David Calder

CAO , Town of Tillsonburg